Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm back!

Two weekends ago, my husband and I had an amazing long weekend in DC with his brother and his new fiancee.  I had never been there before and we were really looking forward to spending time with family.  It was amazing - we got to see all the sights and catch up with old friends.

I came back to work and was trying to catch up all week!  It's amazing how two days out of the office takes forever to make up!  I'm just out of practice - the only days I've ever taken off in the 5 years I've been in my current job were for my wedding, honeymoon and this trip.  I just really love my job and don't want to take time off!

My husband stood up in his first wedding this past Friday which was fun.  It was friends from high school, so it was fun to catch up with everyone.  The craziness of a Friday wedding when you have to work took its toll on me, but it's nice to get up on Saturday morning and still have two weekend days to yourself.

So, to the real reason of my post: I haven't worked out (ran or P90X) in just about two weeks.  I fell of the wagon.  I have a million excuses for it, but I'm just going to suck it up, admit that I didn't make the time and jump back on the wagon!  

The good news is that I actually miss running and working out - I truly want to do it for myself and my well-being, which is amazing!  So, here I am, jumping back into it and excited to do so!  Thanks for bearing with me :)


  1. Even though you fell off the wagon, the important part is you miss it and you are hoppin back on!! Nicely done!

  2. Glad to here you are can be hard to get movivated again after time off, so good to hear that you missed it. Sounds like you guys had a fun trip and I'm jealous that you love your job that much that you don't want to take off....I live for vacation days!

  3. Glad you're back! I think it's always a good sign when you miss working out...makes getting back on the wagon much easier :)
